Welcome to the GM Forum Blog

Introducing the platform where you, the GM forum users, give your views on everything golf. The GM Forum is buzzing with views, opinions and beliefs and we want you to have the chance to share your golfing experiences with the public at large.

The Forum Blog ? The Greatest Game is where we want you, the GM Readers and forum users, to share all your golfing experiences with the public.

If you would like to contribute please email john_thynne@ipcmedia.com.

The first instalment of the Blog comes from dedicated forum user HomerJSimpson, whose highs, lows and otherwise of a competitive golfing month will be familiar to every golfer!

Next up Graham Stride puts a smile on everyone's face as he reminisces about a record-breaking round of golf, even if he was only a bystander to the action.

If you like your golf a little bit off the beaten track then Glengarry GC might be the place for you. Travel to Australia's New South Wales with David Paul and discover how the game is played in a barren, rocky desert.

Don't forget to email john_thynne@ipcmedia.com if you would like to contribute.

The leading website from the world’s oldest golf magazine, we’re the go-to destination for amateur and keen golfers alike who are keen to up their golfing game. As well as expert course reviews, news and tips to improve your handicap our golf-focused travel content will help you pair teeing off with your travels in some of the best destinations around the globe.